Friday, August 28, 2009

No soliciting includes Jesus

Nothing like having a pair of LDS whiteshirts show up at your door to make the blood boil. If the policy of the apartment complex is NO SOLICITING, guess what? Your push of religion is soliciting.

Answered the door and a couple mormons are there and the tall guy (taller than me, that's different, I'm 6'5") says "Can I sing you a song about Jesus?" and I say "No, not interested"


"Because I'm an apostate"


"An atheist"

And on it goes until he says "I'm sorry for you"

That. Pushed. My. Button.

Sorry for me? Because you're running around with your Santa Jesus? Your imaginary friend? Give me a break. I don't go door to door pushing Christopher Hitchens or Stephen Hawking or Darwin on people, why can't you leave me be? Oh, some book says "Go forth and spread my gospel" Well guess what? Not everyone wants to be 'Saved' or an LDSer. Some of us lost Jesus years ago and are quite happy in the here and now. Live in the present to make for a better future.

Be good, do good, help others. That's what I try to live by. Pretty straight to the point.

What? A godless heathen with MORALS???


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Root Canal 1, Me 0

Recovering from an infection brought about by a root canal. I have had two done before on upper teeth and never had a problem. Third time's the charm! Lower root canal was cleared out and the endodontist put some stuff in there to kill off the rest of the roots but the roots had other ideas. Two days later my jaw was swollen up and I was in supreme pain land. Went back and had it prodded and drained (immediate relief) and got a scrip for antibiotics and vicodin.

Took about 3 days for it to really start clearing up and after 5 days I was able to eat food that wasn't in liquid or boiled pasta form. Lost 5 pounds during this time but I don't recommend this method for weight loss. One more day of antibiotics and I'm done with that until next month when I have the follow up/finisher appointment, not sure if he'll put me back on antibiotics as a precaution.

The drag with the antibiotics is having to get my butt up at midnight to take a dose, have to do them every 6 hours. So I am looking forward to Thursday night and hopefully a full night of sleep. Which of course means my neighbors will take that as their cue to throw a mega-bass-rave party.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sasha Kittlesworth McTroublemaker

Sasha sets sail in her paperbox pirate ship.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mount Boxmore

Tired of waiting for someone to dump old boxes into recycling so here I go. Had to avoid ticked off wasps in the bin, their nests got knocked down and they were lookin' for payback!


Nothing says 'Dignity' like a grown man going by on a Razor scooter.


Yesterday I took a drive over to Vancouver, WA for an appointment. As I'm at a stoplight I see a sticker in the back window of a truck. At first glance it's not unusual (to be loved by anyone...oh wait...digress) as it looks like a college type sticker in big letters. Then I notice it just says 'BOXERS'. I am not familiar with a college or sports mascot known as the 'Boxers' so I can only think this guy is a real supporter of unsupportive undergarments. It really made me want to yell out the window at him 'BRIEFS!!!!!!' and shoot the bird at him or something.


So yeah, my head, it's a scary place. But there aren't any clowns there at least.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Neon Nights!

Cynical-C had a post titled Neon Nights, this is what I thought it would be...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rocket Dog!

By the geniuses at

Self Pimp of my YouTube Video - It's Caturday!

It's a couple years old now but I think it's still funny! I haven't dared to make a sequel, it just won't be the same as 'Stray Cat Strut'

Dark Roasted Blend

Dark Roasted Blend has been a favorite of mine for years, Ari gets some awesome pics and contributions to his site as well as just plain funky stuff such as the pic above from 'The Most Alien Looking Places on Earth"

Occasionally I'll probably link over to his site when a neat (to me) feature runs.

King of Crayons!

King of Crayons Awesome Stuff!

Via Cynical-C

Here's Sasha!

Trying an email post.

Blog Whore!

So it seems I can't resist another blogging medium. But at least I NEVER had a MySpace, still have a LiveJournal account but they were always cooler than MySpace, less visual diarrhea.

Not sure what I'll fill this up with, but I'm sure it'll be random until I can settle on some sort of theme. Must check for iPhone blogger apps.....